St. Mary’s Choice Food Pantry is organized and run entirely by volunteers and we could use your help!
Can’t make it to the actual Pantry (normally the 4th Monday of the month)? No problem, there are plenty of opportunities to serve throughout the month:
PANTRY HELP (before and during the pantry hours)
- Hot Meal Preparation and Service
- Data Entry
- Personal Shopping Assistant
- Grocery Bagger
PANTRY PREP (Sunday before the pantry at 11:00 am)
- Help to stock the pantry shelves
FOOD DELIVERY (every second Thursday at 8:00 am)
- Meet and unload the food delivery truck
- Organize and run a canned food/toiletries drive in your local area to benefit the Pantry.
- As with most charitable organizations, we are ALWAYS looking for ways to sustain and grow the assistance we offer our clients. Unfortunately, that requires funds. Our overhead costs are minimal and we have no paid employees so each dollar raised and donated gets quickly returned to the community. We would gratefully accept an offer to fundraise together.
- We are always happy to team with local organizations (Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts/etc.) to form long term relationships that offer people the opportunity to grow and develop through the joy of serving others.
If any of these opportunities sound interesting to you, please contact our volunteer organizer at: Volunteer@StMarysFoodPantry.com
We look forward to hearing from you!